Republican Healthcare Reform Redo?

The Republican Party faced an inexplicable set back on Friday, March 24, 2016 when the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, informed the President that despite their best efforts, The American Healthcare Act (H.R. 1628) would not even be brought up for a vote. Since then, President Donald Trump has said, “I don’t lose”, while speaking …

RINOCARE: Why the Republican Bill is “Repeal In Name Only”

The current legislation is a far cry from “full repeal” of the Affordable Care Act. In fact, the Republican’s full strategy to implement a replacement actually uses much of the language passed by the Obama administration.

Debt Ceiling And Obama’s Big Elephant In The Room

Have you ever had those annoying debt collectors call your house over and over and over again? They can be relentless calling at all times of the night leaving disparaging messages about a debt they are attempting to collect. Now imagine for a just a minute being able to call up your local newspaper and convene a …