Kasich: When Republicans Defend Gov’t Spending

Out of the six remaining major Republican candidates for President, only two remain that can claim “Executive Experience”; former Governor Jeb Bush of Florida and Governor John Kasich of Ohio. On Saturday, February 13th the two Governors squared off during the Republican debate, tackling questions around expanding Medicaid programs while maintaining conservative values. Jeb’s Replacement Plan Jeb Bush …

Mississippi: Why Not Try Bryantcare?

Phil Bryant holds the fate of more than half a million Mississippians in the palm of his hands as key health care policy decisions hang in the balance. He is the Governor of the great state of Mississippi and has the power to make two major decisions. #1 – Expand Medicaid up to 138% of …

1.7M New Yorkers Will Lack Coverage After Reform

On January 30th, Urban Institute issued a report that forecasts the impact of health care reform on the uninsured population in New York State. Currently 14% of New York’s population does not have health coverage. While this is lower than the national average of 16%, New York is one of the states with the highest number of …