Republican Healthcare Reform Redo?

The Republican Party faced an inexplicable set back on Friday, March 24, 2016 when the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, informed the President that despite their best efforts, The American Healthcare Act (H.R. 1628) would not even be brought up for a vote. Since then, President Donald Trump has said, “I don’t lose”, while speaking …

Top 10 of 2015: #7 Cyber Attacks

#7: Year of the Cyber Attacks What was once a problem for retailers like Target, Neiman Marcus, and Home Depot became a top priority for the Healthcare industry in 2015. Accenture warned that cyber-attacks will cost the Healthcare industry $305 billion over the next 5 years. The FBI warned of the industry’s susceptibility to attacks …

Top 10 Healthcare Stories of 2015

#10: Obamacare Grows! 2015 marked the second year of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s landmark legislation created to help decrease the rate of uninsured. 50 Health Insurance Marketplaces launched nationwide and here are the 2015 results: More than 5 million new Americans enrolled joining the 8 million that enrolled in 2014 (65% growth). 85% …

Who Will Still Lack Insurance Coverage in 2016?

The Briefing Room has written in the past about the millions of Americans who have signed up for coverage since the passing of the Affordable Care Act. However, as the country gears up for its third year of coverage, questions still remain around those who are yet to sign up. Recent Gallup-Healthways polls show that the uninsured …