#2: United States Adopts ICD-10 (finally) The U.S. healthcare industry caught up to 27 other countries by implementing the ICD-10 coding system on October 1, 2015. ICD-10 stands for the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems – 10th Revision. It is coding used by doctors, hospitals, and health plans to document diseases, diagnoses, and symptoms. …
Tag Archives: Healthcare
About Last Night: #DemDebate (Healthcare Edition)
Most of the debate was consumed by topics on national security, the economy, and Donald Trump even though 29 million Americans still lack health care coverage.
¡Pura Vida! Healthcare
In a recent trip to Jaco Beach, Costa Rica I was awestruck by the beauty of the country as well as the Costa Rican way of life. The term “Pura Vida” (pronounces poo-rah vee-dah) translates to pure life; an expression natives use to describe their way of living. What I soon discovered is this term encompasses …
Healthcare.gov Turns Three!
November 1st marks the third open enrollment period for the Healthcare Insurance Marketplaces (aka Obamacare). That means we are only one week away from millions of Americans being able to log into Healthcare.gov and either buy insurance for the first time or choose from new plans if they enrolled for health insurance coverage last year. Before the launch …
How Much Does Free Healthcare Cost?
Health exchanges intend to provide affordable coverage to a group of consumers who otherwise, for various reasons, have been historically uninsured. Each health exchange will use advanced premium tax credits (APTCs) or “subsidies” pegged at a person’s salary to help defray the cost of health insurance. To be eligible for these subsidies, a consumer (and/or …
Executive Thoughts: Healthcare Marketing
Virna Brooks, a Professor and Healthcare Executive, catches up with the Briefing Room (BR) to talk about Healthcare Marketing in light of Reform. The consumers are new, their preferences are different, and the timing is tight. Marketing will play a pivotal role in the success of health care reform. What’s Your Name Brooks: Virna Brooks How long have you …
#10 Scott Walker Survives a Recall Election
Scott Walker passed a controversial bill in 2011 that sought to strip collective bargaining rights of public sector employees. The bill would help shift costs to solve a $3.6 billion Wisconsin budget deficit. In the wake of its passing, health insurance for public sector employees was immediately impacted. Health risk assessments were mandated with a primary …
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#1 PPACA Supreme Court Decision
Leaving a footprint in history, President Obama’s landmark legislation was deemed constitutional by the United States Supreme Court, granting 30 million more Americans access to affordable healthcare coverage. No President since Lyndon Johnson had been able to pass such a substantial piece of healthcare legislation. The Supreme Court case started the day of the signing of …
Christie/Obama: Is it Politics or Policy?
[polldaddy poll=6752248] Is Christie’s decision about politics or policy? Answer our poll. You decide. Saying “No” Again New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie vetoed the latest Health Exchange bill sent to his desk by Democratic legislators on Thursday moving New Jersey one step closer to a federally facilitated Health Exchange. If the Governor does not come …
Continue reading “Christie/Obama: Is it Politics or Policy?”
“Healthcare…It’s On Aisle 7”
In 2014, almost everyone must buy health insurance or face tax penalties. Health Exchanges serve as the vehicle for consumers to buy health plans via a state-run website. New York recently shared their intentions for their State-based Health Exchange website. It looks very similar to the user experience of a Travelocity.com or Expedia.com. A user can enroll with a log …