Top 10 of 2015: #5 UnitedHealthcare

#5: UnitedHealthcare Threatens Obamacare A logo sign outside of the headquarters of UnitedHealthcare in Minnetonka, Minnesota on October 25, 2015. Photo by Kristoffer Tripplaar  The largest health insurance company in the country warned regulators and stockholders that they may withdraw from the Health Insurance Marketplaces in 2017. This is a move that could force more …

Top 10 of 2015: #7 Cyber Attacks

#7: Year of the Cyber Attacks What was once a problem for retailers like Target, Neiman Marcus, and Home Depot became a top priority for the Healthcare industry in 2015. Accenture warned that cyber-attacks will cost the Healthcare industry $305 billion over the next 5 years. The FBI warned of the industry’s susceptibility to attacks …

Top 10 of 2015: #8 Epic

#8: Epic Systems Corporation Grows! Epic is a privately held healthcare software company that specializes in hosting and connecting electronic health records (EHR). By digitizing health records, Epic unleashes the ability for healthcare systems to improve quality, significantly reduce fraud, waste, and abuse transforming the practice of medicine. Epic’s total gross revenue was projected to …

Top 10 Healthcare Stories of 2015

#10: Obamacare Grows! 2015 marked the second year of the Affordable Care Act, President Obama’s landmark legislation created to help decrease the rate of uninsured. 50 Health Insurance Marketplaces launched nationwide and here are the 2015 results: More than 5 million new Americans enrolled joining the 8 million that enrolled in 2014 (65% growth). 85% …

How Much Does Free Healthcare Cost?

Health exchanges intend to provide affordable coverage to a group of consumers who otherwise, for various reasons, have been historically uninsured. Each health exchange will use advanced premium tax credits (APTCs) or “subsidies” pegged at a person’s salary to help defray the cost of health insurance. To be eligible for these subsidies, a consumer (and/or …

1.7M New Yorkers Will Lack Coverage After Reform

On January 30th, Urban Institute issued a report that forecasts the impact of health care reform on the uninsured population in New York State. Currently 14% of New York’s population does not have health coverage. While this is lower than the national average of 16%, New York is one of the states with the highest number of …

Health Exchanges – Part III

Understanding Your Operational Readiness In Part I of Building a Health Exchange Strategy the discussion centered on how payers will have to be more consumer centric in their approaches to delivering health care. Part II focused on being aware of the political climate and how that will impact strategic decisions on whether to enter a …

Free Market Lessons from Sweden’s Single Payer System

With over 313 million people, the United States spends over 17% of its GDP on health expenditures while over 14% of its population lacks health insurance. This has led to runaway costs, access to care issues, and worries of severe physician shortages in 2014. On the contrary, Sweden, with a much smaller, homogenous population of 9.4 …

It’s a Rotten Apple for NY’s Small Businesses

An indepth look at health care regulations that uniquely contribute to high health insurance costs in New York Want to start a small business and help our staggering economy? Think twice about NY. Studies continue to show that affordable health coverage is the top concern for small businesses in this state. Contrary to popular belief …

SOTU: What Obama Didn’t Say

President Obama filled up close to 90 minutes of TV airtime giving his 3rd State of the Union Address last week. With 6,953 words (about 12 pages) to choose from political pundits filled the airwaves all across the country with animated reactions commenting on everything from the details of his plans to his tone, his …