Open Enrollment: Answers to your Top 5 Questions

Happy Open Enrollment Day! November 1st marks the start of the forth open enrollment period for President Obama’s Health Insurance Marketplaces. That means from today until January 31st, an estimated 10 million Americans who had coverage in 2016 will be able to renew their health plans online and an additionally 3.5 million Americans that still … Turns Three!

November 1st marks the third open enrollment period for the Healthcare Insurance Marketplaces (aka Obamacare). That means we are only one week away from millions of Americans being able to log into and either buy insurance for the first time or choose from new plans if they enrolled for health insurance coverage last year. Before the launch …

An Exchange by any other Name…

In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet surmises that, “Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.” So in the same sense would not Health Exchanges by any other name still be just as confusing? “’Tis but thy name that is my enemy” A recent survey …