Preview: Tonight’s Clinton/Trump Healthcare Debate

Tonight, we will witness the much anticipated Presidential debate being held at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York, between two longstanding New York powerhouses: Secretary Hillary Clinton and Real Estate mogul, Donald Trump.  We should hope there is time for the candidates to clearly outline their healthcare policies and proposals. Why Healthcare? Healthcare will represent … Turns Three!

November 1st marks the third open enrollment period for the Healthcare Insurance Marketplaces (aka Obamacare). That means we are only one week away from millions of Americans being able to log into and either buy insurance for the first time or choose from new plans if they enrolled for health insurance coverage last year. Before the launch …

Top 5 Things to know as Open Enrollment Enters its Final Week

On December 9, 2014, Errol Pierre sat down with Kori Chambers from Pix11 Morning News to discuss the Open Enrollment period under Obama’s Affordable Care Act. The deadline is quickly approaching;  February 15th. Click on the picture to view the video!   Below are the five tips that were shared with Kori and the Pix11 Morning viewers: 1. …

ACA: What Have We Learned 1 Year Later?

On Wednesday, October 29, 2014, Errol Pierre sat down with Arise America’s news anchor Debbye Turner Bell to discuss the Affordable Care Act (ACA) implementation in preparation for the upcoming QHP open enrollment period, which starts on November 15. [youtube] Question 1: Has the percentage of uninsured people been reduced? Yes – in fact of …

A Dialogue w/ Mayor Dinkins

June is Men’s Health Month. The Health & Wellness committee of One Hundred Black Men spent the past 27 days raising awareness of preventable health problems and health concerns disproportionately impacting the African-American community. Louis Baldwin and I had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Mayor David Dinkins and discuss these activities on his Saturday …

How Much Does Free Healthcare Cost?

Health exchanges intend to provide affordable coverage to a group of consumers who otherwise, for various reasons, have been historically uninsured. Each health exchange will use advanced premium tax credits (APTCs) or “subsidies” pegged at a person’s salary to help defray the cost of health insurance. To be eligible for these subsidies, a consumer (and/or …

New York is not Massachusetts – Health Care Reform Implications

Massachusetts and New York have always had similarities. Tragically, the Boston Marathon bombers had plans to also terrorize Times Square in Manhattan, New York City. Both states saw their respective Basketball teams battle against each other in the first round of the NBA playoffs. Also, both states are known for having millionaire politicians that made …

1.7M New Yorkers Will Lack Coverage After Reform

On January 30th, Urban Institute issued a report that forecasts the impact of health care reform on the uninsured population in New York State. Currently 14% of New York’s population does not have health coverage. While this is lower than the national average of 16%, New York is one of the states with the highest number of …

Lessons “Unlearned” from Healthy NY

Like many other New York State programs, Healthy New York aims to offer services for the most vulnerable, susceptible, and disenfranchised citizens of the state. It is a state-sponsored health insurance program uniquely designed to offer cheap, affordable coverage to those most exposed to what is known as the “health insurance gap”. In layman’s terms, this …

Similiar to Jay-Z, HHS Delays Blueprint

Back in 2008, Jay-Z’s much-anticipated album, Blueprint 3, was set for release. It was complete with hits like “D.O.A.”, “On To the Next One”, “Run This Town”, “What We Talkin’ About”, and everyone’s favorite anthem, “Empire State of Mind”. Unfortunately, Jay-Z delayed the release date to the fall of 2009 to much chagrin from the Hiphop community. In …