CO-OPs – Healthcare’s $1.9 Billion “Solyndra” Experiment

A late addition to Obama’s healthcare reform bill was $6 billion worth of funding for Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans, or put more simply: CO-OPs. Conceptually, these are non-profit member-driven health insurance companies designed to compete against the larger, for-profit carriers. The end vision is a more effective, competitive marketplace. The History Originally a Republican idea, …

#10 Scott Walker Survives a Recall Election

Scott Walker passed a controversial bill in 2011 that sought to strip collective bargaining rights of public sector employees. The bill would help shift costs to solve a $3.6 billion Wisconsin budget deficit. In the wake of its passing, health insurance for public sector employees was immediately impacted. Health risk assessments were mandated with a primary …

#9 The Republican “War on Women”

This “war” refers to a series of legislative and public actions that put the Republican Party at odds against women advocacy groups and Democratic lawmakers. The tone and political positioning of party leaders hit a fever pitch as candidates running for office faced public scrutiny in wake of their off-color comments. Below is a sampling …

#7 The Year of Mergers and Acquisitions

With 30 million Americans entering the health insurance market, Obama has touted that his healthcare reform bill will increase competition amongst carriers. As the many provisions of the bill have been released, the insurance industry has quickly reacted with a series of mergers and acquisitions. Across the country, health plans have looked for ways to find …

#4 Romney Doubles Down on Repealing Obamacare

In probably the most interesting political theatre match of our time, we saw two Presidential candidates grapple with health care positions that left both political parties at odds. Obama, having pushed for a very centrist healthcare reform bill actually modeled after Romney’s plan for Massachusetts, had to urge Democrats to fight for a bill that …

#3 Europe’s Healthcare Austerity Measures

While the United States wages a national debate over government expansion of healthcare, Europe and its existing nationalized health system continue to grapple with exploding costs, resulting in sharp austerity measures that have provoked violent riots and protests. Here are some of the measures taken by the Europe’s largest countries in the face of economic …

#1 PPACA Supreme Court Decision

Leaving a footprint in history, President Obama’s landmark legislation was deemed constitutional by the United States Supreme Court, granting 30 million more Americans access to affordable healthcare coverage. No President since Lyndon Johnson had been able to pass such a substantial piece of healthcare legislation. The Supreme Court case started the day of the signing of …

Lessons “Unlearned” from Healthy NY

Like many other New York State programs, Healthy New York aims to offer services for the most vulnerable, susceptible, and disenfranchised citizens of the state. It is a state-sponsored health insurance program uniquely designed to offer cheap, affordable coverage to those most exposed to what is known as the “health insurance gap”. In layman’s terms, this …

Free Market Lessons from Sweden’s Single Payer System

With over 313 million people, the United States spends over 17% of its GDP on health expenditures while over 14% of its population lacks health insurance. This has led to runaway costs, access to care issues, and worries of severe physician shortages in 2014. On the contrary, Sweden, with a much smaller, homogenous population of 9.4 …