The Six Important “Exit” Polls from Last Night

The last time one political party won the presidency three terms in a row was 27 years ago when George H.W. Bush won after Ronald Reagan’s two presidential terms from 1981 to 1989. Before that,  80 years ago Franklin D. Roosevelt served as President from 1933 to 1945 and passed the baton to another Democrat, President Harry …

Who Will Still Lack Insurance Coverage in 2016?

The Briefing Room has written in the past about the millions of Americans who have signed up for coverage since the passing of the Affordable Care Act. However, as the country gears up for its third year of coverage, questions still remain around those who are yet to sign up. Recent Gallup-Healthways polls show that the uninsured …

#9 The Republican “War on Women”

This “war” refers to a series of legislative and public actions that put the Republican Party at odds against women advocacy groups and Democratic lawmakers. The tone and political positioning of party leaders hit a fever pitch as candidates running for office faced public scrutiny in wake of their off-color comments. Below is a sampling …

#8 Soda Ban in NYC

Mayor Bloomberg has successfully made New York City a healthier place by using what many have dubbed to be controversial public policy changes. Bloomberg pushed legislation to introduce more hybrid and electric taxicabs. He sought to expand the smoking ban to public places and parks. He successfully banned trans-fats from all NYC fried food joints …