Top 10 of 2015: #9 CO-OPs

#9: CO-OPs – Half empty or Half Full? In 2013, the Briefing Room reported on the potential pitfalls of launching Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans (CO-OPs) in every state. In less than two years, the warnings are now coming to fruition. 12 out of the 23 CO-OPs have closed their doors and will not exist in 2016 …

CO-OPs – Healthcare’s $1.9 Billion “Solyndra” Experiment

A late addition to Obama’s healthcare reform bill was $6 billion worth of funding for Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans, or put more simply: CO-OPs. Conceptually, these are non-profit member-driven health insurance companies designed to compete against the larger, for-profit carriers. The end vision is a more effective, competitive marketplace. The History Originally a Republican idea, …