Christie/Obama: Is it Politics or Policy?

[polldaddy poll=6752248] Is Christie’s decision about politics or policy? Answer our poll. You decide. Saying “No” Again New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie vetoed the latest Health Exchange bill sent to his desk by Democratic legislators on Thursday moving New Jersey one step closer to a federally facilitated Health Exchange. If the Governor does not come …

Similiar to Jay-Z, HHS Delays Blueprint

Back in 2008, Jay-Z’s much-anticipated album, Blueprint 3, was set for release. It was complete with hits like “D.O.A.”, “On To the Next One”, “Run This Town”, “What We Talkin’ About”, and everyone’s favorite anthem, “Empire State of Mind”. Unfortunately, Jay-Z delayed the release date to the fall of 2009 to much chagrin from the Hiphop community. In …