#2 Mental Health Issues Raised After Connecticut School Shooting

Friday, December 14th, 2012 will forever be remembered as the day that Adam Lanza shot his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School, taking the lives of 20 young children and 6 adults by firearm. Lanza later shot himself. One thing that Republicans, Democrats, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and the National Rifle Association can agree upon …

#1 PPACA Supreme Court Decision

Leaving a footprint in history, President Obama’s landmark legislation was deemed constitutional by the United States Supreme Court, granting 30 million more Americans access to affordable healthcare coverage. No President since Lyndon Johnson had been able to pass such a substantial piece of healthcare legislation. The Supreme Court case started the day of the signing of …

Christie/Obama: Is it Politics or Policy?

[polldaddy poll=6752248] Is Christie’s decision about politics or policy? Answer our poll. You decide. Saying “No” Again New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie vetoed the latest Health Exchange bill sent to his desk by Democratic legislators on Thursday moving New Jersey one step closer to a federally facilitated Health Exchange. If the Governor does not come …

GOP to Obama – “Congratulations Mr. President, But We Need More Time”

After congratulating President Obama on his election win and committing to work with his Administration, 31 Republican Governors representing 62% of the country asked Obama for an extension for creating their state’s Health Exchange. That’s because November 16th is the deadline for states to submit a letter of declaration for a state-based exchange and as of today: Only …

How Obama Won The Buckeye State

Romney had high hopes to win Ohio. A win in Ohio would have proven Romney’s decision to run on a message of repealing the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), correct. Nonetheless,  he lost the state to President Obama by a razor-thin margin. The loss is still a surprise to many Republican operatives; including Karl Rove. Their polling showed a nearly impossible …

The Hidden Healthcare Election

It’s Healthcare, Stupid! James Carville famously coined the phrase “The Economy, Stupid!” while he was a campaign strategist for the 1992 Clinton Presidential campaign. Fast-forward to 2012 and for good reason both campaigns seemed to take heed to Carville’s advice. For good reason, the unemployment rate hovers around 8%.  On top of that 40% of the …

4 “I’s” for Republicans in 2016

When you add up the exit polling from all the battleground states Mitt Romney got roughly:   7% of the Black vote;  29% of the Hispanic vote;  40% of the Under-30 vote; and, 35% of the single female vote. There is no way you can expect to win 270 electoral votes with those kinds of stats. …

SOTU: What Obama Didn’t Say

President Obama filled up close to 90 minutes of TV airtime giving his 3rd State of the Union Address last week. With 6,953 words (about 12 pages) to choose from political pundits filled the airwaves all across the country with animated reactions commenting on everything from the details of his plans to his tone, his …

Debt Ceiling And Obama’s Big Elephant In The Room

Have you ever had those annoying debt collectors call your house over and over and over again? They can be relentless calling at all times of the night leaving disparaging messages about a debt they are attempting to collect. Now imagine for a just a minute being able to call up your local newspaper and convene a …