Mississippi: Why Not Try Bryantcare?

Phil Bryant holds the fate of more than half a million Mississippians in the palm of his hands as key health care policy decisions hang in the balance. He is the Governor of the great state of Mississippi and has the power to make two major decisions. #1 – Expand Medicaid up to 138% of …

An Exchange by any other Name…

In Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet, Juliet surmises that, “Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.” So in the same sense would not Health Exchanges by any other name still be just as confusing? “’Tis but thy name that is my enemy” A recent survey …

The $5 Billion Delay: Employer Mandate

The provision in the Affordable Care Act (ACA) mandating employers of 50 or more employees to offer qualified health insurance has been delayed to 2015. By the myriad of press releases, news articles, and blogs one could believe the delay is cataclysmic to health care reform. A Wall Street Editorial called the employer mandate the …

A Dialogue w/ Mayor Dinkins

June is Men’s Health Month. The Health & Wellness committee of One Hundred Black Men spent the past 27 days raising awareness of preventable health problems and health concerns disproportionately impacting the African-American community. Louis Baldwin and I had the amazing opportunity to sit down with Mayor David Dinkins and discuss these activities on his Saturday …

How Much Does Free Healthcare Cost?

Health exchanges intend to provide affordable coverage to a group of consumers who otherwise, for various reasons, have been historically uninsured. Each health exchange will use advanced premium tax credits (APTCs) or “subsidies” pegged at a person’s salary to help defray the cost of health insurance. To be eligible for these subsidies, a consumer (and/or …

New York is not Massachusetts – Health Care Reform Implications

Massachusetts and New York have always had similarities. Tragically, the Boston Marathon bombers had plans to also terrorize Times Square in Manhattan, New York City. Both states saw their respective Basketball teams battle against each other in the first round of the NBA playoffs. Also, both states are known for having millionaire politicians that made …

Executive Thoughts: Healthcare Marketing

Virna Brooks, a Professor and Healthcare Executive, catches up with the Briefing Room (BR) to talk about Healthcare Marketing in light of Reform. The consumers are new, their preferences are different, and the timing is tight. Marketing will play a pivotal role in the success of health care reform. What’s Your Name Brooks: Virna Brooks How long have you …

1.7M New Yorkers Will Lack Coverage After Reform

On January 30th, Urban Institute issued a report that forecasts the impact of health care reform on the uninsured population in New York State. Currently 14% of New York’s population does not have health coverage. While this is lower than the national average of 16%, New York is one of the states with the highest number of …

CO-OPs – Healthcare’s $1.9 Billion “Solyndra” Experiment

A late addition to Obama’s healthcare reform bill was $6 billion worth of funding for Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans, or put more simply: CO-OPs. Conceptually, these are non-profit member-driven health insurance companies designed to compete against the larger, for-profit carriers. The end vision is a more effective, competitive marketplace. The History Originally a Republican idea, …